API token management

This page describes how to create and manage API tokens within the StarTree environment. API tokens provide programmatic access to StarTree resources through role-based permissions.

Generating an API token

  1. Navigate to the Security Manager by browsing to https://dp.your_environment_id.startree.cloud/security-manager (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click API Tokens in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click Generate API token.
  4. Select the desired role for the token. This will determine the permissions that will be granted to the token.
    • For more information on roles and how they are defined, refer to the Manage Access page.
  5. Provide a description for the token. This will help you identify the token going forward.
  6. Click Generate API token to generate the new token.
  7. Copy the token and store it someplace safe.
Important: Copy the generated token immediately. This token will only be displayed once.

Managing API tokens

  • View Existing Tokens: The API Tokens screen displays a list of all existing tokens, including their description, creation date, and their assigned role.
  • Delete a Token: To delete an API token, locate the token in the API Tokens list, click the actions menu (three vertical dots to the right of the token description) and click Delete.

Security considerations

  • Treat API tokens like passwords: Store API tokens securely and never share them with unauthorized individuals.
  • Use strong security practices: Implement appropriate security measures to protect your API tokens, such as:
    • Assign least privilege: Grant only the minimal necessary permissions to API tokens.
    • Ensure regular rotation: Regularly rotate API tokens to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.
    • Use secure storage: Store API tokens securely and avoid hardcoding them directly into applications.

Important notes

  • API tokens provide programmatic access to StarTree resources. Exercise caution when granting permissions to API tokens.
  • Revoking an API token will immediately disable its access to StarTree resources.

Test the API token

You can test the token using one of the following methods:

Using CURL

To test the API token usinc CURL, include the token in the --header (-H) authorization parameter.

curl --location --request GET 'https://pinot.<your url>.cloud/appconfigs' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer st-XkQBXKr652MV1VF9-5gkhGWNaGAdA1NU5yrHXRSPKMCcNRlRg'

Using the Swagger API

  1. In Pinot UI, click on Swagger REST API.
  2. Click Authorize.
  3. In the "Available authorizations" dialog, scroll up to see the oauth authorization option.
  4. Enter Bearer (including the space), followed by the token in the Value textbox.
  5. Click Authorize.
  6. Find the API call you want to try and click the related Try it out button.

Using the API token with Superset and Trino

To connect to Superset and Trino, convert your API token to a username and password:

  1. Obtain the username and password from your bearer token.
  2. Connect to StarTree Cloud:

Obtain the username and password for a bearer token

To convert your bearer token, drop the st- prefix, and then use the 16 alphanumeric string before the hyphen as your username and the following 32 alphanumeric string as your password.

For example, if your bearer token is st-XkQBXKr652MV1VF9-5gkhGWNaGAdA1NU5yrHXRSPKMCcNRlRg, then:

  • Your username would be XkQBXKr652MV1VF9.
  • Your password would be 5gkhGWNaGAdA1NU5yrHXRSPKMCcNRlRg.