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Fills missing time data points. Used to ensure data fetched with SQL is a correct timeseries for downstream nodes. The SQL language is not timeseries oriented. The GROUP BY timeColumn clause does not create a point if there is no data for a time bucket.


A table with a time index to fill.


The table with the time index filled. No naming constraint for outputKey and outputName.


namedescriptiondefault value
component.timestampThe name of the time index column.timestamp
component.monitoringGranularityGranularity of the time index. In ISO-8601 format.
Eg P1D.
component.minTimeInferenceInference strategy for the minimum time constraint.FROM_DATA
component.maxTimeInferenceInference strategy for the maximum time constraint.FROM_DETECTION_TIME
component.lookbackOffset to use for a time inference with lookback. In ISO-8601 format.
Eg P7D.
component.fillNullMethodMethod to use to fill null values in the metric column.FILL_WITH_ZEROES

Automatic configuration with macros. minTimeInference, maxTimeInference and lookback are not required if the __timeFilter macro was used to get the input data.
monitoringGranularity is not required if the __timeGroup macro was used to get the input data.

Available inference strategies for minTimeInference and maxTimeInference

The TimeIndexFiller needs a start and an end to fill the time index. These boundaries can be computed with different strategies.

FROM_DATAThe minimum (resp maximum) time for which to fill the index is the minimum (resp maximum) time observed in the input data.
FROM_DETECTION_TIMEThe minimum (resp maximum) time corresponds to the minimum (resp maximum) time used by the detection pipeline run.
FROM_DETECTION_TIME_WITH_LOOKBACKLike above, use the detection pipeline boundaries, but apply an offset.
Eg: minTime - lookback.

Available methods for fillNullMethod

When a missing time point is added, the metric value is unknown. This value can be filled with one the following methods.

FILL_WITH_ZEROESReplace null values with zeroes.
KEEP_NULLKeep the null values.
INTERPOLATEAvailable soon. Interpolate a value based on the preceding and next available values.
Note that most of the detectors are not compatible with null values for the moment.


Without macros

      "name": "baselineMissingDataManager",
      "type": "TimeIndexFiller",
      "params": {
        "component.monitoringGranularity": "P1D",
        "component.timestamp": "ts",
        "component.minTimeInference": "FROM_DETECTION_TIME_WITH_LOOKBACK",
        "component.maxTimeInference": "FROM_DETECTION_TIME_WITH_LOOKBACK",
        "component.lookback": "P7D"
      "inputs": [
          "sourcePlanNode": "baselineDataFetcher",
          "sourceProperty": "baselineOutput"
      "outputs": [
          "outputKey": "filler",
          "outputName": "baselineOutput"

With macros

If __timeFilter and __timeGroup macros are used in the upstream DataFetcher node, and if the metric is named metric:

    "name": "missingDataManager",
    "type": "TimeIndexFiller",
    "params": {
        "component.timestamp": "ts"
    "inputs": [
        "sourcePlanNode": "baselineDataFetcher",
        "sourceProperty": "baselineOutput"
    "outputs": [
        "outputKey": "filler",
        "outputName": "baselineOutput"