Configure record reader
Add a record reader configuration to specify how to read file formats during batch ingestion or streaming ingestion.
Configure files for batch ingestion (File Ingestion Task) for S3, Upload File, GCS
Configure the record reader to customize how the file format is read during ingestion. Data manager supports configuring batch ingestion for the following file formats:
Data Manager provides the CSVRecordReaderConfig
for handling CSV files with the following customizable options:
- header: Provide a header when the input file has no headers.
- skipHeader: Provide an alternate header when the input file has a corrupt header.
- delimiter: Use an alternate delimiter when fields are not separated by the default delimiter comma.
- skipUnParseableLines: Skip records that are not parseable instead of failing ingestion.
Example: Provide a header when the input file has no headers.
"header": "colA,colB,colC"
Example: Provide an alternate header when the input file has a corrupt header.
"header": "colA,colB,colC",
"skipHeader": "true"
Example: Use an alternate delimiter when fields are not separated by the default delimiter comma.
"delimiter": ";"
"delimiter": "\\t"
Example: Skipping records that are not parseable instead of failing ingestion. This option to be used with caution as it can lead to data loss.
skipUnParseableLines: "true"
Example: Handling CSV files with no header, tab-separated fields, empty lines, and unparsable records.
"header": "colA,colB,colC",
"delimiter": "\\t",
"ignoreEmptyLines": "true",
"skipUnParseableLines": "true"
For a comprehensive list of available CSV record reader configurations, see the Pinot CSV documentation (opens in a new tab).
Data Manager supports one configuration option in AvroRecordReaderConfig
- enableLogicalTypes: Enable logical type conversions for specific Avro logical types, such as DECIMAL, UUID, DATE, TIME_MILLIS, TIME_MICROS, TIMESTAMP_MILLIS, and TIMESTAMP_MICROS.
"enableLogicalTypes": "true"
For example, if the schema type is INT, logical type is DATE, the conversion applied is a TimeConversion, and the value is V; then a date is generated V days from epoch start.
For Parquet files, Data Manager provides the ParquetRecordReaderConfig with customizable configurations in Data Manager.
Use Parquet Avro Record Reader:
"useParquetAvroRecordReader" : "true"
When this config is used the parquet record reader used is: org.apache.pinot.plugin.inputformat.parquet.ParquetAvroRecordReader
Use Parquet Native Record Reader:
"useParquetNativeRecordReader" : "true"
When this config is used the parquet record reader used is: org.apache.pinot.plugin.inputformat.parquet.ParquetNativeRecordReader
The JSONRecordReader isn't a supported record reader configuration, so no customizations are possible.
The ORCRecordReader in Pinot does not support a record reader config, hence no customizations are possible.
Streaming ingestion from Kafka
Data Manager supports one configuration option in AvroRecordReaderConfig
- enableLogicalTypes: Enable logical type conversions for specific Avro logical types, such as DECIMAL, UUID, DATE, TIME_MILLIS, TIME_MICROS, TIMESTAMP_MILLIS, and TIMESTAMP_MICROS.
"enableLogicalTypes": "true"
For example, if the schema type is INT, logical type is DATE, the conversion applied is a TimeConversion, and the value is V; then a date is generated V days from epoch start.
No specific record reader config is available for JSON in the streaming ingestion context.
ProtoBufRecordReaderConfig exists in Pinot and the following configuration is possible.
"descriptorFile": "/path/to/descriptor/file"
Streaming ingestion from Kinesis
Similar to Kafka streaming ingestion, the configurations for AVRO in Kinesis streaming ingestion are similar to those described in the Batch Ingestion section.
No specific record reader config is available for JSON in the Kinesis streaming ingestion context.
SQL ingestion from BigQuery
RecordReader configs are not applicable for this data source. DataManager UI does not expose a RecordReader config for this data source.
SQL ingestion from Snowflake
RecordReader configs are not applicable for this data source. DataManager UI does not expose a RecordReader config for this data source.
Delta ingestion tasks
Record reader configurations are not supported for Parquet