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AnomalyDetector operators take one or more inputs, and detect anomalies.

There are many types of anomaly detectors. The type is given in the node parameters.

  "name": "root",              # name of the operator
  "type": "AnomalyDetector",   # type of operator
  "params": {
    "type": "THRESHOLD",       # type of anomaly detector,
    # other parameters ...
    "component.timestamp": "ts",
    "component.metric": "metric",
  "inputs" : [...],
  "outputs" : [...]

Shared parameters

Anomaly detectors share a set of parameters. Detector-type specific parameters are described in the sub-sections.

namedescriptiondefault value
component.timestampThe name of the time index column.timestamp
component.metricThe name of the metric column to analyse.metric
component.monitoringGranularityThe granularity of the data used for detection. Mandatory.
Used to compute the end time of an anomaly if it is the last data point of the input data.

Commonly-used parameters

These parameters are used by many detectors.


Detect as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP, DOWN, UP_OR_DOWN.

UPDetect an anomaly only if the current time series is above the baseline.
DOWNDetect an anomaly only if the current time series is below the baseline.
UP_OR_DOWNDetect an anomaly in both directions.