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Swag Store

StarTree Swag Store

🌟 Welcome to the Apache Pinot and StarTree Community Contribution Program! 🌟

We believe in the power of community collaboration and the incredible stories that emerge from it.

Contribute > Have an impact > Get your swag > Repeat 💙

About the program

Sharing is at the heart of every vibrant community, and that’s why we’re excited to encourage you to share your stories with us. From technical breakthroughs to implementation triumphs, your insights can inspire, educate, and connect fellow data enthusiasts worldwide. As a token of our appreciation, we’re thrilled to offer swag rewards for your valuable contributions in our Swag Store (opens in a new tab)!

In addition to the all-time contribution program, we’ll have occasional challenges where you can win double prizes for your contribution! Join our Slack (opens in a new tab) to follow those challenges.

What's in it for you?

Your contribution matters, and there's a lot in it for you:

  1. Showcase your expertise: highlight your skills to a global community.
  2. Connect: network with data enthusiasts and experts.
  3. Shape advancements: influence product improvements.
  4. Earn swag: get exclusive rewards for your efforts.
  5. Be recognized: gain visibility through features and spotlights.
  6. Boost your portfolio: Enhance your professional profile.
  7. Help others: share insights and aid fellow members.

Join us in growing together! 🚀

How do I earn swag?

Social post: Share a “must-read” resource of StarTree/Pinot with your personal input (on LinkedIn or Twitter)15 coins
Post a picture with StarTree or Pinot swag using the #apachepinot hashtag5 coins
Publish a technical blog on the StarTree website or a personal blog40 coins
Publish a case study on the StarTree website or a personal blog40 coins
Publish a technical blog on a third-party site+20 coins
Publish an article in a newsletter (e.g., Data Engineering Weekly)+20 coins
Speak at a conference60 coins
Create technical video content60 coins
Appear on a podcast40 coins
Speak on a webinar or at a Meetup40 coins
Host a Slack AMA session50 coins

How do I get my swag?

  1. First, email the link, screenshot, or other evidence of your contribution to
  2. Once you've got your coins, visit the swag store (opens in a new tab).
  3. Enter your work email, and within seconds a login code will be sent to your email.
  4. Fill in the code on the site and select your desired swag. We'll get it sent out to you right away.
  5. Don’t forget to post a picture with your swag and tag. #apachepinot!