Ingesting DynamoDB data into Pinot using Kinesis and DynamoDB decoder

Replicating DynamoDB to Apache Pinot

Hey there, data enthusiast! 👋 Ready to embark on an exciting journey of real-time data replication? Buckle up, because we're about to turn your DynamoDB data into a high-speed, analytics-ready powerhouse with Apache Pinot!

🌟 Introduction

Imagine having the robust storage capabilities of DynamoDB combined with the lightning-fast analytics of Apache Pinot. Sounds like a data dream team, right? Well, you're about to make that dream a reality!

🧰 What You'll Need

  • AWS account (with DynamoDB and Kinesis access)
  • Apache Pinot cluster
  • Your favorite code editor
  • A cup of coffee (or tea, we don't judge! ☕)

🏗️ Setting Up the Replication Pipeline

Step 1: Create a DynamoDB Table

Let's start by creating our source of truth - a DynamoDB table.


Step 2: Create a Kinesis Data Stream

Time to create a highway for our data - Kinesis stream where dynamo will push its CDC.


Step 3: Enable DynamoDB-Kinesis stream

Now, let's turn on the data faucet by connecting dynamodb to kinesis


Step 4: Create Pinot Schema

Let's tell Pinot what our data looks like:

  "schemaName": "pinot_dynamo_ingestion",
  "dimensionFieldSpecs": [
        "name": "eventName",
        "dataType": "STRING",
        "notNull": false
      "name": "venue_name",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "meetup_name",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "meetup_id",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_city",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_country",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_id",
      "dataType": "LONG",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_name",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_lat",
      "dataType": "DOUBLE",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "group_lon",
      "dataType": "DOUBLE",
      "notNull": false
      "name": "location",
      "dataType": "BYTES",
      "transformFunction": "toSphericalGeography(stPoint(group_lon,group_lat))",
      "notNull": false
        "name": "is_delete",
        "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
        "transformFunction": "strcmp(eventName, 'REMOVE') = 0",
        "notNull": false
  "metricFieldSpecs": [
      "name": "rsvp_count",
      "dataType": "INT",
      "notNull": false
  "dateTimeFieldSpecs": [
      "name": "mtime",
      "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
      "notNull": false,
      "format": "TIMESTAMP",
      "granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"
        "name": "ApproximateCreationDateTime",
        "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
        "notNull": false,
        "format": "TIMESTAMP",
        "granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"
  "primaryKeyColumns": ["meetup_id"]

Step 5: Create Pinot Table Configuration

Now, let's set the table for our data feast!

  "tableName": "pinot_dynamo_ingestion",
  "tableType": "REALTIME",
  "segmentsConfig": {
    "timeColumnName": "mtime",
    "timeType": "MILLISECONDS",
    "retentionTimeUnit": "DAYS",
    "retentionTimeValue": "7",
    "schemaName": "pinot_dynamo_ingestion",
    "replication": "1"
  "tenants": {},
  "tableIndexConfig": {
    "loadMode": "MMAP",
    "streamConfigs": {
      "streamType": "kinesis",
      "": "pinot-ingestion-stream",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "accessKey": "XXXX",
      "secretKey": "XXXX",
      "shardIteratorType": "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER",
      "stream.kinesis.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
      "stream.kinesis.fetch.timeout.millis": "120000",
      "": "ai.startree.pinot.plugin.inputformat.dynamodb.DynamoDbMessageDecoder",
      "stream.kinesis.decoder.prop.dynamodb.timeColumnName": "created_at_timestamp",
      "stream.kinesis.decoder.prop.dynamodb.deleteColumnName": "is_deleted",
      "": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.inputformat.json.JSONMessageDecoder",
      "": "",
      "realtime.segment.flush.threshold.rows": "1000000",
      "realtime.segment.flush.threshold.time": "6h"
    "nullHandlingEnabled": true
  "routing": {
    "segmentPrunerTypes": ["time"],
    "instanceSelectorType": "strictReplicaGroup"
  "ingestionConfig": {
    "transformConfigs": [
  "upsertConfig": {
    "mode": "PARTIAL",
    "deleteRecordColumn": "is_delete",
    "comparisonColumns": ["ApproximateCreationDateTime"]
  "metadata": {
    "customConfigs": {}

Why do we have so many configurations?

Let's try to understand which of these configs are necessary. When you enable CDC on dynamoDB table, it starts sending the data in the following format

    "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
    "eventID": "e5c2d473-43e0-4dc3-bf28-cdcb575a83aa",
    "eventName": "INSERT",
    "userIdentity": null,
    "recordFormat": "application/json",
    "tableName": "pinot-ingestion-demo",
    "dynamodb": {
        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1719039879869591,
        "Keys": {
            "event_id": {
                "S": "badbe259-82d3-4869-b197-e935b0e942f2"
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719039879651"
        "NewImage": {
            "group_city": {
                "S": "New York"
            "location": {
                "B": "Y0d4aFkyVm9iMnhrWlhKZllubDBaWE09"
            "group_lon": {
                "N": "-97.169068"
            "event_time": {
                "S": "2024-07-10T12:34:39.651036"
            "group_id": {
                "N": "8032"
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719039879651"
            "rsvp_count": {
                "N": "45"
            "group_country": {
                "S": "UK"
            "group_lat": {
                "N": "-41.13523"
            "event_id": {
                "S": "badbe259-82d3-4869-b197-e935b0e942f2"
            "venue_name": {
                "S": "Venue 1"
            "group_name": {
                "S": "Group 10"
            "event_name": {
                "S": "Event 3"
        "SizeBytes": 313,
        "ApproximateCreationDateTimePrecision": "MICROSECOND"
    "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "eventID": "1020b6ed-fc46-4767-8819-55c440041264",
    "eventName": "MODIFY",
    "userIdentity": null,
    "recordFormat": "application/json",
    "tableName": "pinot-ingestion-demo",
    "dynamodb": {
        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1719082124026,
        "Keys": {
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719080907442"
            "meetup_id": {
                "S": "4a60c849-d475-4ad5-adbc-776cbf7ca5df"
        "NewImage": {
            "group_city": {
                "S": "New York"
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719080907442"
            "group_lon": {
                "N": "74.891677"
            "rsvp_count": {
                "N": "23"
            "group_lat": {
                "N": "-59.493753"
            "group_country": {
                "S": "UK"
            "meetup_id": {
                "S": "4a60c849-d475-4ad5-adbc-776cbf7ca5df"
            "venue_name": {
                "S": "Updated Venue 3"
            "group_id": {
                "N": "4673"
            "meetup_name": {
                "S": "Meetup 6"
            "group_name": {
                "S": "Group 8"
        "OldImage": {
            "group_city": {
                "S": "New York"
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719080907442"
            "group_lon": {
                "N": "-130.035739"
            "rsvp_count": {
                "N": "22"
            "group_lat": {
                "N": "66.888498"
            "group_country": {
                "S": "UK"
            "meetup_id": {
                "S": "4a60c849-d475-4ad5-adbc-776cbf7ca5df"
            "venue_name": {
                "S": "Updated Venue 2"
            "group_id": {
                "N": "4673"
            "meetup_name": {
                "S": "Meetup 6"
            "group_name": {
                "S": "Group 8"
        "SizeBytes": 467
    "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "eventID": "78b55ff0-82ab-4fec-9f03-6312c5d2f6eb",
    "eventName": "REMOVE",
    "userIdentity": null,
    "recordFormat": "application/json",
    "tableName": "pinot-ingestion-demo",
    "dynamodb": {
        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1719081613486,
        "Keys": {
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719080908912"
            "meetup_id": {
                "S": "735fd994-2071-4145-8f35-7e69e537aaba"
        "OldImage": {
            "group_city": {
                "S": "London"
            "mtime": {
                "N": "1719080908912"
            "rsvp_count": {
                "N": "26"
            "group_lon": {
                "N": "-19.773637"
            "group_country": {
                "S": "Germany"
            "group_lat": {
                "N": "23.60754"
            "meetup_id": {
                "S": "735fd994-2071-4145-8f35-7e69e537aaba"
            "venue_name": {
                "S": "Venue 2"
            "group_id": {
                "N": "8524"
            "meetup_name": {
                "S": "Meetup 2"
            "group_name": {
                "S": "Group 6"
        "SizeBytes": 257
    "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"

Decoder Configuration

To help pinot understand the dynamodb data format, we need to add decoder configs to our table

"": "ai.startree.pinot.plugin.inputformat.dynamodb.DynamoDbMessageDecoder",
"stream.kinesis.decoder.prop.dynamodb.timeColumnName": "created_at_timestamp",
"stream.kinesis.decoder.prop.dynamodb.deleteColumnName": "is_deleted",
"": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.inputformat.json.JSONMessageDecoder"

The specifies our primary decoder. The timeColumnName specifies the column that should be filled with the ApproximateCreationDateTime from dynamodb json record. the deleteColumnName specifies the column that should be set to true in case we receive a REMOVE record from dynamodb Finally, the simply specifies the vanilla decoder that should be used to parse the message. Since them dynamodb messages come in json format, we specify the JSONMessageDecoder here

Upserts Configuration

To handle updates properly, you need to enable upserts in Pinot. This is done in the upsertConfig section of the table configuration:

"upsertConfig": {
  "mode": "PARTIAL",
  "deleteRecordColumn": "is_delete",
  "partialUpsertStrategies": {},
  "comparisonColumns": ["ApproximateCreationDateTime"]

Key points:

  • mode: Set to "PARTIAL" for partial updates.
  • deleteRecordColumn: Specifies the column that indicates if a record should be deleted.
  • comparisonColumns: Uses ApproximateCreationDateTime to determine the order of changes.

Derived Column for Deletions

A new derived column is_delete is created in the schema to signify whether a key needs to be removed from the upsert metadata:

  "name": "is_delete",
  "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
  "transformFunction": "strcmp(eventName, 'REMOVE') = 0",
  "notNull": false

This column is set to true when the eventName in the DynamoDB stream event is "REMOVE".

Handling Different Event Types

The configuration handles different event types as follows:

  1. INSERT: New records are added to Pinot.
  2. MODIFY: Existing records are updated using the upsert configuration.
  3. REMOVE: Records are marked for deletion using the is_delete column.

ApproximateCreationDateTime Usage

The ApproximateCreationDateTime from the DynamoDB payload is used in the comparisonColumns of the upsert configuration. This ensures that changes are applied in the correct order, as it represents the sequence of events in DynamoDB.

"comparisonColumns": ["ApproximateCreationDateTime"]

A corresponding column is added to the schema:

  "name": "ApproximateCreationDateTime",
  "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
  "notNull": false,
  "format": "TIMESTAMP",
  "granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"

Step 6: Create Pinot Table

Let's bring our table to life!

./ AddTable \
    -schemaFile schema.json \
    -tableConfigFile table_config.json \

Insert, Update, Delete!

Now that we've set the stage, let's watch our data perform!


Let's add some data to our DynamoDB table:

Publish item with meetup_id: cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530 and mtime = 1719124016204
Publish item with meetup_id: c1731e4b-6726-40f5-8c8f-b34bc34a0744 and mtime = 1719124017046
Publish item with meetup_id: 9c4b139b-26aa-4d45-8efe-5d1ad2d4e1e3 and mtime = 1719124017265
Publish item with meetup_id: cfcb025b-7547-4002-9b52-95ad0b0a4ac8 and mtime = 1719124017488
Publish item with meetup_id: be08dc25-42a4-4fd3-8b6f-0bdaaeb4caf7 and mtime = 1719124017787
Publish item with meetup_id: bdc86183-a63a-4bc2-9901-22be89eb9774 and mtime = 1719124018010
Publish item with meetup_id: 0b27b577-dce5-43d1-b23f-8372b1882571 and mtime = 1719124018232
Publish item with meetup_id: 4d959048-796a-464f-ab6c-5afe174ec015 and mtime = 1719124018506
Publish item with meetup_id: 8a2e679c-3044-4526-bd9d-a2de908dbc62 and mtime = 1719124018723
Publish item with meetup_id: 98b3c314-75c2-420b-a154-d891a43e6efa and mtime = 1719124018945
DynamoDB insertion completed.

Voila! Check your Pinot table, and you'll see these rows magically appear!

Pinot UI


Time for a costume change! Let's update a row:

python --meetup_id cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530 --mtime 1719124016204
Updated item in DynamoDB with meetup_id: cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530 and mtime: 1719124016204
UpdatedAttributes: {'group_lon': Decimal('28.454082'), 'rsvp_count': Decimal('84'), 'venue_name': 'Updated Venue 1', 'group_lat': Decimal('11.194998')}

Query Pinot, and witness the transformation!

Row before update

Pinot UI

Row after update

Pinot UI


For our final trick, we'll make a row disappear:

python --meetup_id cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530 --mtime 1719124016204
Deleted item with meetup_id: cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530 and mtime: 1719124016204

Check Pinot - the row has vanished into thin air! Pinot UI

🕵️ Behind the Scenes: Viewing Operation Order

Want to see how the magic happens? Use this special incantation in your Pinot queries:

SELECT * FROM pinot_dynamo_ingestion 
WHERE meetup_id = 'cc3fbaca-445c-4ebb-8f60-7b2a5eab3530' 
ORDER BY ApproximateCreationDateTime DESC 

This will reveal the entire history of your data's journey! Pinot UI

🎉 Conclusion

Congratulations! You've successfully created a real-time replication pipeline from DynamoDB to Apache Pinot. Your data is now ready for lightning-fast analytics while maintaining the reliability of DynamoDB.