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Adds a THRESHOLD label to an anomaly if the metric is above a maximum threshold or below a minimum threshold. By default, the threshold is applied to the metric that was used for the detection. A different metric can be provided by passing an input current. The threshold rule will run on this metric.


The info source is the output of the detector. Labels are applied to the anomalies of this input.

  "sourcePlanNode": "anomalyDetector"

Optional: a different side data input to perform threshold on:

  "targetProperty": "current",
  "sourcePlanNode": "controlDataFetcher",
  "sourceProperty": "controlDataOutput"


namedescriptiondefault value
component.minIf metric <= min, label the anomaly.-1 (special value - no minimum)
component.maxIf metric >= max, label the anomaly.-1 (special value - no maximum)
component.valueNameOptional. The name of the metric. Used in the label: "{ValueName} bigger than {max}"Value
component.timestampOptional. If a side data input is used, name of the time index column.timestamp
component.metricOptional. If a side data input is used, name of the column to use for thresholding.value


Without side input:

  "name": "root",
  "type": "PostProcessor",
  "params": {
    "type": "THRESHOLD",
    "component.ignore": "true",  # filter anomaly in notifications an ui by default
    "component.min": "100",
    "component.max": "10000000"
  "inputs": [
      "sourcePlanNode": "anomalyDetector"

With side input:

  "name": "root",
  "type": "PostProcessor",
  "params": {
    "type": "THRESHOLD",
    "component.ignore": "true",
    "component.min": "100",
    "component.max": "10000000",
    "component.valueName": "controlMetric", # customize label
    "component.timestamp": "ts",            # time column of the side input
    "component.metric": "sideMetric"        # column to threshold on in the side input
  "inputs": [
      "sourcePlanNode": "anomalyDetector"
      "targetProperty": "current",
      "sourcePlanNode": "controlDataFetcher",
      "sourceProperty": "controlDataOutput"