This page lists the commonly used actions that can be specified in a policy. Understanding these actions will help you effectively define and manage access control rules within your environment.
For the full list of available actions, see
Action name | Description |
CancelQuery | Cancel a query that's currently running |
CleanupTask | Clean up finished tasks from the task queue for the given task type (COMPLETED, FAILED) |
CommitSegment | Commit a segment |
CreateInstance | Add a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in the Pinot cluster |
CreateTask | Create a new task |
CreateTenant | Create a new tenant in your cluster |
CreateUser | Create a new user in Pinot |
DebugResourceUsage | View the resource usage of a cluster |
DebugTask | Fetch debug information for tasks |
DeleteClusterConfig | Delete cluster configuration |
DeleteDatabase | Delete a Database in your Pinot cluster |
DeleteInstance | Delete a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in the Pinot cluster |
DeleteResponseStore | Delete the response store used to support cursors |
DeleteTask | Delete a task |
DeleteTenant | Delete a Pinot tenant |
DeleteUser | Delete a user in Pinot |
DeleteZnode | Delete a ZooKeeper znode |
EstimateUpsertMemory | Get the estimated memory usage for an upsert table |
ExecuteTask | Run a task |
GetAppConfig | Retrieve the configuration of a broker or server |
GetApplicationQueryQuota | Get the query per second (QPS) quota defined for broker or server |
GetAuth | Retrieve information about the authentication workflow |
GetBroker | Retrieve the configuration details of a broker |
GetClusterConfig | Retrieve the configuration details of a cluster |
GetDatabase | Retrieve the details of a database in your Pinot cluster |
GetDatabaseQueryQuota | Get the current database query quota |
GetDatabaseQuota | Get a database's quota configuration |
GetForceCommitStatus | Get the status of a force commit operation |
GetHealth | Get the health of a cluster and all related Pinot entities |
GetInstance | Retreive the tags for current tenant instance |
GetInstancePartitions | Get the instance partitions of a tenant |
GetLogFile | Fetch a log file |
GetLogger | Retrieve the configuration of a logger |
GetRebalanceStatus | Get a details status of a rebalance operation |
GetResponseStore | Get the response store used to support cursors |
GetRunningQuery | Get information on running queries from all brokers |
GetSchedulerInfo | Retrieve cron scheduler information |
GetSchema | Retrieve the schema of a table |
GetSchemasInfo | Retrieve information of schemas |
GetSegment | Retrieve the list of segments for a table |
GetSegmentReloadStatus | Retreive the reload status of a segment |
GetServerRoutingStats | Retireve the server routing stats |
GetTable | Retrieve the list of all tables in a cluster |
GetTableConfig | Retrieve the configuration of a table |
GetTask | Retrieve configurations and various stats of tasks |
GetTaskCount | Get the number of tasks of a specific task type |
GetTenant | Retrieve the configuration of a tenant |
GetUser | Retrieve details of Pinot users |
GetVersion | Fetch the version of a specific component |
GetZnode | Get the content of a ZooKeeper znode |
IngestFile | Ingest a file into an offline table |
RebalanceTenantTables | Rebalance the tables in a Pinot tenant |
RecommendConfig | Get the recommended configuration for tables [ref] |
ResetSegment | Reset a segment by disabling it, waiting for the external view to stabilize, and then enabling it again |
ResumeTask | Resume a stopped task |
StopTask | Stop a running task |
UpdateApplicationQuota | Set or update the queries per second quota for an application [ref] |
UpdateBrokerResource | Update the tables served by a specific broker instance |
UpdateClusterConfig | Update the configuration of a cluster |
UpdateDatabaseQuota | Update the max queries per second (QPS) quota of a database |
UpdateInstance | Update the properties of a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in a Pinot cluster |
UpdateInstancePartitions | Update an instance partition of a server |
UpdateLogger | Set the log level of a logger |
UpdateQPS | Enable or disable the query rate limiting for a broker instance |
UpdateTaskQueue | Update a task queue |
UpdateTenant | Update the configuration of a tenant |
UpdateTenantMetadata | Update the metadata of a tenant |
UpdateTimeInterval | Update the start and end time of segments |
UpdateUser | Update the details of a Pinot user |
UpdateZnode | Update the configuration of a ZooKeeper znode |
UploadSegment | Upload a segment |
Action name | Description |
BuildRouting | Build the routing for a table |
CancelRebalance | Cancel a rebalance task |
CreateDedupSnapshot | Create a dedupe snapshot |
CreateSchema | Create a schema for a table |
CreateTable | Create a new table |
CreateUpsertSnapshot | Create an upsert snapshot |
DeleteDedupSnapshot | Delete a dedupe snapshot |
DeleteMinionTaskMetadata | Delete the metadata of a minion task |
DeleteRouting | Remove the routing for a table |
DeleteSchema | Delete the schema of a table |
DeleteSegment | Delete a segment |
DeleteTable | Delete a table |
DeleteTimeBoundary | Delete the query time boundary of a hybrid table |
DeleteUpsertSnapshot | Delete an upsert snapshot |
DisableTable | Disable a table |
DownloadSegment | Download a segment |
EnableTable | Enable a table |
EndDataIngest | End data ingestion for a table |
ForceCommit | Force commit the current segments in consuming state and restart consumption |
GetBroker | List brokers for a given table |
GetConsumingSegments | Returns the state of all consuming segments |
GetControllerJobs | Get the list of controller jobs for a table |
GetDebugInfo | Get debug information for a table |
GetDedupSnapshot | Retrieve dedup snapshot information |
GetExternalView | Get the external view of a table |
GetIdealState | Get the ideal state of a table |
GetInstance | List the instances of a table |
GetMetadata | Retrieve the metadata of a table |
GetPauseStatus | Get the pause status of a realtime table, along with a list of consuming segments |
GetRoutingTable | Get the routing for a table |
GetSchedulerJobDetails | Get the job details for table tasks |
GetSchema | Retrieve the schema of a table |
GetSegment | Retrieve segments |
GetSegmentLineage | List the lineage of a segment |
GetSegmentMap | Get the CRC of a segment |
GetSegmentStatus | Get the status of a segment |
GetServerMap | Get a list of the segments hosted by the server |
GetSize | Get table size information |
GetState | Get the state of a table (enabled or disabled) |
GetStorageTier | Get storage tier for segments or a table |
GetTableConfig | Gets a configuration for specific table |
GetTableConfigs | Lists the configurations of a table |
GetTableQueryQuota | Get the query per second quota for a table |
GetTaskEstimatedTime | Get the estimated run time for a task |
GetTimeBoundary | Get the time boundary information for a table |
GetUpsertSnapshot | Get upsert snapshot information |
IngestRecord | Insert records into a table |
PauseConsumption | Pause the consumption for a realtime table |
Query | Query a table |
RebalanceTable | Rebalance a table |
RebuildBrokerResource | Rebuild a broker |
RefreshRouting | Refresh the routing for a table |
ReloadSegment | Reload a segment |
ReplaceSegment | Replace a segment |
RestreamTable | Restream a table |
ResumeConsumption | Resume the consumption for a realtime table |
StartDataIngest | Start data ingestion |
UpdateConsistentPush | Update consistentPush state |
UpdateInstancePartitions | Update the partitions of a table |
UpdateSchema | Update the configuration of a schema |
UpdateTableConfig | Update the configuration of a table |
UpdateTableConfigs | Update the configuration of multiple tables |
UploadSegment | Upload a segment |
ValidateSchema | Validate the configuration of a schema |
ValidateTableConfigs | Validate the configuration of a table |
Action name | Description |
DeleteQueryStore | Delete a query response store |
GetQueryStore | Retrieve information about a query response store |