
This page lists the commonly used actions that can be specified in a policy. Understanding these actions will help you effectively define and manage access control rules within your environment.
For the full list of available actions, see


Action nameDescription
CancelQueryCancel a query that's currently running
CleanupTaskClean up finished tasks from the task queue for the given task type (COMPLETED, FAILED)
CommitSegmentCommit a segment
CreateInstanceAdd a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in the Pinot cluster
CreateTaskCreate a new task
CreateTenantCreate a new tenant in your cluster
CreateUserCreate a new user in Pinot
DebugResourceUsageView the resource usage of a cluster
DebugTaskFetch debug information for tasks
DeleteClusterConfigDelete cluster configuration
DeleteDatabaseDelete a Database in your Pinot cluster
DeleteInstanceDelete a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in the Pinot cluster
DeleteResponseStoreDelete the response store used to support cursors
DeleteTaskDelete a task
DeleteTenantDelete a Pinot tenant
DeleteUserDelete a user in Pinot
DeleteZnodeDelete a ZooKeeper znode
EstimateUpsertMemoryGet the estimated memory usage for an upsert table
ExecuteTaskRun a task
GetAppConfigRetrieve the configuration of a broker or server
GetApplicationQueryQuotaGet the query per second (QPS) quota defined for broker or server
GetAuthRetrieve information about the authentication workflow
GetBrokerRetrieve the configuration details of a broker
GetClusterConfigRetrieve the configuration details of a cluster
GetDatabaseRetrieve the details of a database in your Pinot cluster
GetDatabaseQueryQuotaGet the current database query quota
GetDatabaseQuotaGet a database's quota configuration
GetForceCommitStatusGet the status of a force commit operation
GetHealthGet the health of a cluster and all related Pinot entities
GetInstanceRetreive the tags for current tenant instance
GetInstancePartitionsGet the instance partitions of a tenant
GetLogFileFetch a log file
GetLoggerRetrieve the configuration of a logger
GetRebalanceStatusGet a details status of a rebalance operation
GetResponseStoreGet the response store used to support cursors
GetRunningQueryGet information on running queries from all brokers
GetSchedulerInfoRetrieve cron scheduler information
GetSchemaRetrieve the schema of a table
GetSchemasInfoRetrieve information of schemas
GetSegmentRetrieve the list of segments for a table
GetSegmentReloadStatusRetreive the reload status of a segment
GetServerRoutingStatsRetireve the server routing stats
GetTableRetrieve the list of all tables in a cluster
GetTableConfigRetrieve the configuration of a table
GetTaskRetrieve configurations and various stats of tasks
GetTaskCountGet the number of tasks of a specific task type
GetTenantRetrieve the configuration of a tenant
GetUserRetrieve details of Pinot users
GetVersionFetch the version of a specific component
GetZnodeGet the content of a ZooKeeper znode
IngestFileIngest a file into an offline table
RebalanceTenantTablesRebalance the tables in a Pinot tenant
RecommendConfigGet the recommended configuration for tables [ref]
ResetSegmentReset a segment by disabling it, waiting for the external view to stabilize, and then enabling it again
ResumeTaskResume a stopped task
StopTaskStop a running task
UpdateApplicationQuotaSet or update the queries per second quota for an application [ref]
UpdateBrokerResourceUpdate the tables served by a specific broker instance
UpdateClusterConfigUpdate the configuration of a cluster
UpdateDatabaseQuotaUpdate the max queries per second (QPS) quota of a database
UpdateInstanceUpdate the properties of a CONTROLLER, BROKER, SERVER, or MINION in a Pinot cluster
UpdateInstancePartitionsUpdate an instance partition of a server
UpdateLoggerSet the log level of a logger
UpdateQPSEnable or disable the query rate limiting for a broker instance
UpdateTaskQueueUpdate a task queue
UpdateTenantUpdate the configuration of a tenant
UpdateTenantMetadataUpdate the metadata of a tenant
UpdateTimeIntervalUpdate the start and end time of segments
UpdateUserUpdate the details of a Pinot user
UpdateZnodeUpdate the configuration of a ZooKeeper znode
UploadSegmentUpload a segment


Action nameDescription
BuildRoutingBuild the routing for a table
CancelRebalanceCancel a rebalance task
CreateDedupSnapshotCreate a dedupe snapshot
CreateSchemaCreate a schema for a table
CreateTableCreate a new table
CreateUpsertSnapshotCreate an upsert snapshot
DeleteDedupSnapshotDelete a dedupe snapshot
DeleteMinionTaskMetadataDelete the metadata of a minion task
DeleteRoutingRemove the routing for a table
DeleteSchemaDelete the schema of a table
DeleteSegmentDelete a segment
DeleteTableDelete a table
DeleteTimeBoundaryDelete the query time boundary of a hybrid table
DeleteUpsertSnapshotDelete an upsert snapshot
DisableTableDisable a table
DownloadSegmentDownload a segment
EnableTableEnable a table
EndDataIngestEnd data ingestion for a table
ForceCommitForce commit the current segments in consuming state and restart consumption
GetBrokerList brokers for a given table
GetConsumingSegmentsReturns the state of all consuming segments
GetControllerJobsGet the list of controller jobs for a table
GetDebugInfoGet debug information for a table
GetDedupSnapshotRetrieve dedup snapshot information
GetExternalViewGet the external view of a table
GetIdealStateGet the ideal state of a table
GetInstanceList the instances of a table
GetMetadataRetrieve the metadata of a table
GetPauseStatusGet the pause status of a realtime table, along with a list of consuming segments
GetRoutingTableGet the routing for a table
GetSchedulerJobDetailsGet the job details for table tasks
GetSchemaRetrieve the schema of a table
GetSegmentRetrieve segments
GetSegmentLineageList the lineage of a segment
GetSegmentMapGet the CRC of a segment
GetSegmentStatusGet the status of a segment
GetServerMapGet a list of the segments hosted by the server
GetSizeGet table size information
GetStateGet the state of a table (enabled or disabled)
GetStorageTierGet storage tier for segments or a table
GetTableConfigGets a configuration for specific table
GetTableConfigsLists the configurations of a table
GetTableQueryQuotaGet the query per second quota for a table
GetTaskEstimatedTimeGet the estimated run time for a task
GetTimeBoundaryGet the time boundary information for a table
GetUpsertSnapshotGet upsert snapshot information
IngestRecordInsert records into a table
PauseConsumptionPause the consumption for a realtime table
QueryQuery a table
RebalanceTableRebalance a table
RebuildBrokerResourceRebuild a broker
RefreshRoutingRefresh the routing for a table
ReloadSegmentReload a segment
ReplaceSegmentReplace a segment
RestreamTableRestream a table
ResumeConsumptionResume the consumption for a realtime table
StartDataIngestStart data ingestion
UpdateConsistentPushUpdate consistentPush state
UpdateInstancePartitionsUpdate the partitions of a table
UpdateSchemaUpdate the configuration of a schema
UpdateTableConfigUpdate the configuration of a table
UpdateTableConfigsUpdate the configuration of multiple tables
UploadSegmentUpload a segment
ValidateSchemaValidate the configuration of a schema
ValidateTableConfigsValidate the configuration of a table


Action nameDescription
DeleteQueryStoreDelete a query response store
GetQueryStoreRetrieve information about a query response store