StarTree Community

StarTree Swag Program

Share Your Success, Earn Exclusive Swag and Join the StarTree Community!

Two people wearing StarTree swag

Stay Cool, Stay Trendy: We've Got You Covered with top-notch Swag!

We're excited to invite you to share your stories with us. Your insights, from technical breakthroughs to implementation triumphs, can inspire, educate, and connect fellow data enthusiasts worldwide. As a token of our appreciation, we offer swag rewards in our StarTree Swag Store.

How it works?


Check out the Contribution Scoring table below.

Scoring table

Social post: Share a "must-read" resource of StarTree/Pinot with your personal input (on LinkedIn or Twitter)coin5 coins
Post a picture with StarTree or Pinot swag using the #apachepinot hashtagcoin5 coins
Publish a technical blog on the StarTree website or a personal blogcoin40 coins
Publish a case study on the StarTree website or a personal blogcoin20 coins
Publish a technical blog on a third-party sitecoin20 coins
Publish an article in a newsletter (e.g., Data Engineering Weekly)coin40 coins
Speak at a conferencecoin40 coins
Create technical video contentcoin60 coins
Appear on a podcastcoin60 coins
Speak on a webinar or at a Meetupcoin50 coins

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